If your windows are consistently foggy, it may be time for a window seal repair or replacement in order to minimize moisture, prevent mold, and restore clarity to your windows. While there are DIY repair kits for window seals available, this is a task best left to experienced glass professionals in Cary. We have the training, tools, and expertise to repair large windows as well as double and triple-pane windows to improve the look of your home.
Signs You Need a Window Seal Repair
Most homeowners don’t notice when the seal breaks around their windows. However, if left unrepaired, you can experience significant negative effects. If you experience the following, you should have your window seals repaired or replaced.
- Foggy windows that don’t wipe away. The moisture is within the two or three panes of glass.
- Higher energy bills in the summer and winter because the argon gas between the two windows that provided insulation has leaked out due to the failed seal.
- Mold and mildew around the window sill are caused by excess moisture.
- Water damage around the window as moisture seeps in through the gaps in the seal.
Why Choose Glass Solutions for Window Seal Replacement or Repair
As we mentioned above, there are DIY glass repair kits that claim to stop window fogging. However, these kits simply don’t eliminate the moisture problem or the energy loss you can experience. At Glass Solutions, we have an experienced team of glass technicians with over 100 years of combined experience. Our team can take a fogging window and bring clarity through a multi-step process that removes moisture stains and mineral deposits and restores the insulating gas between the panes to eliminate water damage and energy loss.
FAQs About Window Seal Repair
What is a window seal?
In double or triple-paned windows, often called thermal or insulated windows, there is a gas insulation, such as argon, filling the void between the panes of glass. Then, a perimeter seal is installed around the windows to lock the gas in and stop outside air and moisture from entering the home.
If the window seal fails or breaks the inert, harmless gas within the window will escape, allowing hot or cold air and moisture to enter.
How do you fix a broken window seal?
Fixing a window seal is not a difficult task, but it does require specific tools and expert knowledge. Our Cary window repair specialists will first test your window for leaks by conducting a test to determine where the energy is escaping to. Then, we will remove old caulk, seal gaps, add add brand new weatherstripping and caulk to repair your window seal.
For questions about our window seal replacement process or to request a complimentary quote, you may fill out our form.
Why do I need to have my window seal inspected or replaced?
Replacing your broken window seal is one of the best ways to protect your home. For one, it will secure your windows and reduce the chance of a break in. Additionally, by replacing a broken window seal, your home will be more energy efficient and you will save on energy bills.
What causes a window seal to break?
The most common reason why a window seal fails is due to age. To maximize your window seal’s lifespan, it’s important to have the weatherstripping replaced by a professional window repair specialist when you see signs of wear and tear. Another factor that contributes to a window seal’s failure is weather, including exposure to direct sunlight.
Cary homeowners can extend their window seal’s life by avoiding spraying window seals with a pressure washer. However some natural events, such as high winds and shifting of the ground under the house can cause unavoidable damage to your window seals.
How much does window seal repair cost?
First, check to see if your window is still covered under warranty since many manufacturers offer warranties for up to 20 years. If your window is not with the warranty period, you may want to request a complimentary estimate from a window repair specialist before agreeing to have work done to your windows. Typically, the cost to repair a window seal averages around $100.